3-Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (Leg Lifts)

Posted by Sagar on 5:20 AM

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the
floor. Stretch your arms overhead and place the backs of
your hands on the floor. Raise your knees to your chest
and stretch your legs up perpendicular to the ceiling (90
degrees). Press the sides of your waist toward the floor.
Lower your legs halfway to the floor (45 degrees) while
moving your tailbone away from your lower back and pressing
your low back into the floor. Hold for 3 breaths then
raise your legs back to 90 degrees. Keep the sides of
the waist down to avoid back strain. Repeat 3 to 10 times.
As you get stronger, you can lower the legs from 45 degrees
all the way to just above the floor.

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