Sleep Loss And Inactivity Make You Fat

Posted by Sagar on 5:42 AM

The average woman sleeps 2 hours less
per night than in 1960, which might contribute
to the current obesity epidemic.
Among young women, 37 percent sleep
less than 7 hours per night and only 25
percent sleep at least 8 hours a night.
Sleep loss alters hormones that control
hunger and increase appetite for caloriedense
foods such as candy, cookies, chips
and bread. A study from the National
Public Health Institute in Finland found that
sleep disturbances and lack of exercise
increased the risk of abdominal obesity in
men and women. In men, sleeping more
than 9 hours a day was also linked to
increased ab fat. Lack of sleep was related
independently to excess fat, when factoring
out the effects of exercise or sleeprelated
diseases such as obstructive sleep
apnea (airway blockage disrupts sleep).
Sleep disturbance causes a vicious cycle:
lack of sleep increases body fat, which
increases sleep deprivation due to disturbed
nighttime breathing, which causes
more weight gain. See your doctor if you
don’t sleep well and are chronically tired
during the day. It could shrink your waistline
and save your life.

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