Starvation Diets Can Cause Deadly Heart Rhythms

Posted by Sagar on 5:38 AM

Weight loss typically reduces blood pressure, improves blood sugar regulation and blood fats, and enhances metabolic
health. Rapid weight loss through starvation diets (less than 800 calories per day) often causes decreases in muscle
tone, and heart rhythm disturbances. Bulgarian scientists, in a study of 29 obese adults on starvation diets, found that
20 of the subjects developed a potentially fatal heart rhythm called ‘acquired
long QT syndrome.’ This greatly increases the risk of ventricular fibrillation and
sudden death. In the normal heart, impulses travel across the chambers and
cause a uniform contraction of the atria and ventricles (upper and lower chambers
of the heart). Starvation alters cell health and impairs normal conduction
of the impulses. Following starvation diets to lose weight is like throwing the
baby out with the bathwater—
you will be the skinniest
corpse in the cemetery.

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