Brown Fat Activity Less In the Overweight

Posted by Sagar on 5:45 AM

Brown fat (BAT) is a high-energy tissue that converts food energy directly into heat, while ‘white’ fat stores energy.
BAT might play an important role in human obesity. Three studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine
showed that brown fat activity increased during cold exposure, but was less in obese people and older adults.
BAT prevents weight gain by increasing metabolic rate following overeating. Energy metabolism works through a
series of ‘coupled’ reactions. This means that energy released by breaking down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins is
captured in other reactions, such as making ATP (a high-energy chemical) or storing fats and carbohydrates.
Uncoupling occurs when the energy from food breakdown is released as heat instead of being captured as ATP.
Brown fat converts food energy directly into heat. Drug makers are attempting to harness uncoupling in brown fat
and other cells to increase metabolic rate, which might help control body fat. Increasing brown fat production and
activity might promote weight loss and help us conquer the obesity epidemic

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